Adivasi Mela 2024 Starts, Know The Dates, Location and Timing Details.

Adivasi Mela 2024 Introduction

Adivasi mela is an Odisha Government initiative to promote indigenous tribal people of Odisha and their culture to the whole Odisha and India. This fair is an testimony that our culture is vast. Adivasi Mela is held every year during January and February month.  

What To See During Adivasi Mela 2024

Adivasi Mela is the Tribal marketplace in the capital city of Odisha, Here you can find many types of tribal foods, spices, oils and many more things you can buy or experience first hand. This place provides the best opportunity to experience tribal people and their culture at your city. 

Here many stalls provides many tribal things and their home and how they live a modest yet peaceful life we often try to find in the city. 

Location of the Adivasi Mela 2024

For the initial few years Adivasi Mela was held in the exhibition ground of Bhubaneswar Odisha. After few years Odisha government decided to hold the Adivasi Mela in the Adivasi Ground in Bhubaneswar Odisha. 

Here is the Location on the map for Adivasi Ground.

Visit here.

Adivasi Mela 2024 Date & Timing

Adivasi Mela 2024 is going to be held from January 26th to February 5th of 2024.

The official time during these dates you can visit the fair during 2:30 PM to 9 PM. You should visit it after 3PM. 

Where is Adivasi Mela 2024?

Adivasi Mela ground is located near the Number-1 market of Bhubaneswar.

You can reach there via Rajmahal square or if you are coming from sisu bhavan square then it is situated before the Rajmahal Square.

Fair & Price to Reach Adivasi Mela

You can reach their with your own vehicle or you can take an auto from anywhere and it will cost 20-30 rupees for the travel.

Chilika Bird Festival 2024, Start Date, Ticket Booking Process & Price.

Chilika A Bird Paradise

Chilika Lake, situated on the eastern coast of India in the state of Odisha, is the largest brackish water lagoon in the country and the second largest in the world. Covering an expansive area of approximately 1,100 square kilometers, the lake is separated from the Bay of Bengal by a narrow sandy ridge.

Location and Geography of Chilika Lake:

Chilika Lake is located in the Khurda, Ganjam, and Puri districts of Odisha. The lake is a dynamic ecosystem, influenced by both freshwater rivers and the saline waters of the Bay of Bengal. Its geographical features include islands, sandbars, and peninsulas, contributing to the unique and diverse environment of the lake.

Biodiversity & Avian Population:

The lake is renowned for its rich biodiversity, supporting a variety of flora and fauna. Chilika is a haven for migratory birds, and it serves as an essential wintering ground for thousands of birds that travel great distances. The Nalabana Bird Sanctuary, a part of Chilika Lake, is a designated area for the conservation of avian species.

During the winter season, Chilika becomes a temporary home for a vast number of migratory birds, including flamingos, pelicans, herons, and many other species. The lake’s mudflats and islands provide ideal conditions for these birds to feed and breed.

Flora and Fauna of Chilika Lake:

Apart from its avian inhabitants, Chilika Lake supports diverse aquatic life, including various fish species and prawns. The lake is also known for its resident population of Irrawaddy dolphins, making it one of the few places in India where these dolphins can be spotted.

Chilika Lake has been recognized as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, highlighting its significance in terms of biodiversity and ecological balance. The Ramsar designation emphasizes the need for conservation efforts to protect the lake’s unique ecosystem

Economic Importance of Chilika Lake:

Chilika Lake plays a crucial role in supporting the livelihoods of local communities. Fishing is a major economic activity, with traditional fishing practices being an integral part of the lake’s cultural heritage. Additionally, salt production and tourism contribute to the economic activities around the lake.

Efforts have been made to conserve and manage the delicate ecosystem of Chilika Lake. Conservation initiatives include the protection of bird habitats, sustainable fishing practices, and measures to ensure the overall health of the lake.

Chilika Lake stands as a natural treasure, offering a blend of ecological significance, cultural heritage, and economic importance to the region. It continues to be a focal point for researchers, nature enthusiasts, and tourists interested in exploring the beauty of India’s diverse landscapes.

What is Chilika Lake Bird Festival

During Winter Chilika Lake turns into an paradise for birds all over the world, many types of birds visit this black lagoon water lake to rest and reset.

Some of the birds travel thousands miles to this place every year, We know the birds can track their way, so they remember this place. This time is the best to see the beauty of nature and variety of birds in one place.

So Odisha government created an bird watching event for the nature lovers, this event is held for 3 days with different types of activities for different dates.

This event is called National Chilika Bird Festival, this year is the 4th Chilika Bird Festival.

So here we will provide details of the event and how you can book the tickets, when it will start and end, everything in details.

Chilika Bird Festivals Start Date & End Date

National 4th Chilika Bird Festival is scheduled to be happen in 27th January to 29th January 2024 in Chilika, Odisha

Chilika Bird Festival 2024 Banner By Odisha Gov.

What You Can Expect To See in Chilika Bird Festival

Chilika Lake boasts an extraordinary avian spectacle, attracting a diverse array of bird species. Among the numerous inhabitants are tens of thousands of Ruffs, Godwits, Terns, Plovers, Sandpipers, and the elusive Grey-headed Lapwings. The skies are graced by the presence of Gulls, Pintails, Ruddy Shelducks, and Skulkers such as Ruddy-breasted Crakes, Baillon’s Crakes, and Slaty-breasted Rails. The marshes come alive with the enchanting presence of the Greater Painted Snipes.

Noteworthy among the residents are Black-tailed Godwits, Oriental Pratincoles, and Pacific Golden Plovers. Mangalajodi is a haven for various Raptors, showcasing their hunting prowess. The region hosts locally migrating species like Spot-billed Pelicans, Oriental Darters, Painted Storks, and Black-headed Ibises, many of which fall into the near-threatened category.

Long-distance migratory birds, including the elegant Lesser Flamingos, Ferruginous Pochards, and Eurasian Curlews, find sanctuary in these waters. The endangered Great Knot is a remarkable visitor, while the endangered River Tern gracefully patrols the skies. The list extends to the Eurasian Wigeon, Gadwall, Black-tailed Godwit, and Northern Shoveller, with populations nearing the impressive count of one lakh. Large flocks, numbering in the thousands, also include Garganey, Lesser Sandplovers, Brown-headed Gulls, and Common Teals. This thriving ecosystem stands as a testament to the lake’s role as a vital habitat for a myriad of avian species, both resident and migratory.

Things to Do in Chilika Bird Festival 2024

These are the events you can expect to experience during the National Chilika Bird Festival 2024.

  • Bird Watching
  • Sanctuary Visit
  • Nature Walk
  • Boating
  • Technical Session
  • Photography 

Agenda of Chilika Bird Festival 2024

  • Day 1- Inauguration and Presentation by Expert Speakers.
  • Day 2 – Bird Watching at Mangalajodi and Nalabana.
  • Day 3 – Optional tours for the participants on paid basis.

What to Do & What Not to Do During The Chilika Bird Festival.


  • Carry warm clothing. Be adequately dressed and equipped for outdoors, including sunscreen lotion. When out on birding, khaki or olive-green or brown clothing would be suitable.
  • Use only closed footwear.
  • Stick to the prescribed schedule. Any attempt at access otherwise is treated as trespass in protected areas and may invite action.
  • Abide by the instructions of designated guides.
  • Camera equipment.
  • Be attentive during any prior briefing and interaction with local staff. It will make your visit and stay more enjoyable and informative.
  • Always carry back your left-over.
  • Use biodegradable material only.


  • Carry or consume alcohol, smoke or ignite fire within the sanctuary limits.
  • Use polythene bags.
  • Make noise.
  • Get out of designated transport / boats without the consent of designated guides.
  • Litter and pollute the environment.
  • Tease / provoke birds and other wildlife.
  • Use perfumes or strong smelling chemicals.
  • Carry or use arms.
  • Collect any material from the sanctuary.

Ticket Registration Process of Chilika Bird Festival 2024

Here we have simplified the process on how you could book an ticket for the festival at your home through online websites.

Step by step process to follow for ticket booking.

  1. Log on to Odishatourism Website.
  2. Fill up the form the website to register  for the bird festival.
  3. Check your registered mail id for acknowledgement form for the registration.
  4. Receive Another Mail after the acknowledgment mail, which will contain the Payment link upon approval.
  5. Pay the fee as per the package chosen during the registration process.  
  6. After the payment of the ticket fee you will receive an Invitation mail for the festival.
  7. At last take an printout of the entry pass of the invite and keep it handy during the visit.  
Here is the direct link of Odisha Tourism Website for Tickets. 
Chilka Lake bird picture 2024 By Odisha Tourism.

Annual Flower Show 2024 Odisha, Date, Time, Location All Details.

Odisha Flower Festival 2024

Every Year a grand flower festival is held in the capital city of Odisha, i.e Bhubaneswar for 2 days. In the flower festival different types of flower are exhibited and different botanist from all over India show case their work.

What to See in The Flower Festival 2024

As the name suggests flowers, you will see lots of flowers and if you love flowers and plants this exhibition is for you.

This flower festival is a treat for the eyes of a plant lover. You can expect to see over 100 types of flower types here.

Previous year flower festival was a blast. you can expect this year festival to be even more grand then the past.

Here are Some of The Pictures from the Previous Year

Flower Festival 2023 Pictures
Flower Festival 2023 Pictures n2

Location of The Flower Festival 2024

Flower festival is held in the capital city of Odisha, Inside the botanical garden also known as Ekamra Kanan in Bhubaneswar. It is situated in the heart of Capital city Bhubaneswar. You can reach Jayadevbihar or Nayapali to Reach there.


How to Reach There

To Reach The Flower Festival Location you have to reach Jayadevbihar or Nayapali or CRPF square first then, fromt there you can find an auto, they can take you to the park at an price of 10-20 rupees max.

Time & Date of Flower Festival 2024

Flower festival is held every year in Januray month for 2 Days with little advertisement, so if you are not following informative pages you will not know and as it is held for two days only and by the time you know, the fair will be over.

For 2024 flower festival will be held from 13th January and 14th January.

Time for these 2 days will be from 08:00 am to 7:30 pm.

For Best experience visit between 8:00 am to 5-pm. so that you can see the beauty at the sunlight.

Entry Fee & Parking During Festival.

Entry Fee is free for everyone during these 2 days, But the problem is with the parking. As it is only for 2 days maximum visitors will come at that hours only and you can expect some delay during the entry at the gate of before the entrance.

Do not park out side the Entry gate. There are many people who will say to park outside for a fee. Do Not Park There.

Free parking is available inside the park by the authorities.

How ever if you wish to park outside at your risk you can do so.

We wish to inform you that this are is allegedly Notorious for bike and car thefts, which may or may not be true.


Location Direction of Ekamra Kanan Bhubaneswar

Here is the Map Direction, from here you can directly visit the location. MAP LOCATION


Joranda Mela 2024 Date, Time, Place, How to Go

Joronda Mela

This is the most prominent and culturally important fair of Dhenkanal, Odisha. This fair is the most prominent tradition of Mahima Dharma.

Mahima Dharma is one of the religion in Odisha and some other states in India. it is mostly practiced in Dhenkanal District of Odisha. It is some time referred to as Alekha . 

Mahima Dharma teaches belief in a single God (parambrahma or the supreme-soul who is formless and omnipresent) named Alekha. 

It originated in Odisha in the 18th Century and since then it is practiced in Odisha.

Mahima Dharma followers are prohibited from worshipping idols and taking part in traditional rituals. They believe in the uniform presence of formless God in every human being. Therefore, they reject caste differences.

Picture from Dhenkanal Times

Date of Joronda Mela 2024

Joronda Mela Will be held for this year i.e 2024 in Dhenkanal, Odisha at February 23 and February 24. It will attended by many devotes from many part of the country and mostly from the Odisha. if you wish to witness this culture we will recommend you to visit during this time to know more about this culture and religion.

Location & How to Visit Joronda Mela 2024.

Dhenkanal District is located approximately 65Km from the capital city of Bhubaneswar.

Flight:-  If you are arriving through flight, you will land at the Bhubaneswar airport, from there you can take an private taxi or choose to travel on public transport to Dhenkanal.

Bus:- Bus services run to Dhenkanal from every major city of Odisha so you wont be finding any problem to find an bus to reach there from any where of Odisha, if you are coming outside from Odisha, you could reach Bhubaneswar and then take another bus to Dhenkanal. 

Train:- Dhenkanal Railway Station is the station where you will have to arrive by train to reach the fair, You can find any train that runs through Dhenkanal Station. The you have to take an auto from the station to the fair, Always take an share auto, ask before you board one, Otherwise they will charge you as a reserve passenger. 

Picture from Dhenkanal Times

Odisha Raj Bhavan Opens for 2024-Time, Date, Where to Book Tickets, All Details


Raj Bhavan or Governor House Odisha is the home of Current Governor of Odisha, Shri Raghubar DasEvery year Odisha government opens up the gate of governor house for general public to enjoy the beauty and to be honest it is quite beautiful to experience the grandness of the governor house. if you want to visit it, then you have to know the time date and how to book tickets for it. 

Location of Governors House

Governor house of Odisha is located in Capital of Odisha, i.e Bhubaneswar. If you want to visit it you can click here which will lead you to the direction of governor house on the map. or you can ask for direction of governor house in Bhubaneswar and everyone can tell you the direction.

Activities & What You Will See There.

Raj Bhavan is one of the beautiful place of bhubaneswar, it has lush gardens, deer and peacock, it will provide you feel of a small zoo, and here you can find plenty of fountains middle of the flowers. As this place is the house of governor  it is well maintained, please do not Littre here. Use dustbins. 

How To Reach Raj Bhavan or Governor House

Raj Bhavan is located in the heart of Bhubaneswar and every bus route flows through this road.

Train:- Nearest station is Bhubaneswar Railway Station. from there you can take an auto for Raj Bhavan square or take an city bus which is named as MO BUS.

From the bus stop or auto stop it is in the walkable distance.

Bus:- If you want to take the bus you can take the city bus from any where in the city. But make sure to look at the route board which is placed infront of the bus or simply ask the driver if this bus goes through Governor  House Route, they will help you.

Personal Car or Bike:- If you are planning to take your bike or car for commute to governor house, Keep in mind that bike can be easily parked outside the governor house, but car parking can be a problem, but can be parked just side of that road.

What to Bring And What Not To Bring to Raj Bhavan.

As this is a high priority house, police and army guards this house, so if you are planning to visit it please keep in mind not bring any banned item’s like knife, small knife, flammable materials or fire making tools. As every corner you will find police and army personals, if caught with any banned item you will be prosecuted with proper charges according to the law of Odisha.

So for smooth experience please visit Raj Bhavan with minimal items so that you will go through less checking.

Opening Time & Date of The Governor House

For this year i.e 2024 Odisha Government & Governor is given permission to open governer house from January 6th To January 20th 2024.

The time at which the gates opens is 2:30 PM every day till 6PM. After 6 PM the access to Public will be revoked.

Gate No 3 is the gate which will be open for entry, all other gates are not open for public.

Tickets for Entry to Governor House.

There is an app called Raj Bhavan Garden Visit. You have to download this app inorder to book an ticket for the visit in advance so that authority can preplan for every visitors comming that day, This app is made by mGovernance  before downloading the app please check the maker, so that you download the authentic app. 

Raj Bhavan Garden Visit Application Download

Scan This QR Code to DOwnload the Rajbhavan Ticket App

Know All About Traveling to Puri Jagannath Temple. Time, Price, Attraction, Legends, Hotels, Travel Mode.

What is Special About Puri Jaganath Temple?

Puri Jagannath Temple is renowned for several unique aspects that make it a truly remarkable and special place. Puri Jagannath Temple is home to the living god Jagannath, Balabhadra and Sister Subhadra.

It is also one of the prime places from the 4 Dham in India. Tourist from all over the India and outside India also visit this religious place every day.


What Happens Every 12 Years in Jagannatha Puri?

Puri Temple is unique for its Idols or God, according to the legends Idols in Puri Temple are living avatars and they change their Idol or Body once in Every 12 Years.

During that time all of the city always kept in dark, because no one can see the process with which new idol is created.

The creation of new Jagannatha Idol process starts with a Temple Priest announcing the place where the tree required for creation of idol is to be found. Then a Sacred pilgrim journey started from puri Odisha to different parts of the State.


After performing Puja around the chosen trees, the trees are cut down and taken back to puri by using bullock carts only till date.

After that the final process of building new idol is started. when the Idol making process of Shri Jagannatha is finished, a Soul transfer Process which is known as Bramha Padartha is transferred from old Idol Body to The Newly Made Idols. This is the proof that Sri Jagannatha of Puri Odisha is a living deity and have a soul of his own.

Soul Transfer can be only performed by three of oldest members of the Daitapati family, the first worshipper of Lord Jagannath.


Then the old idol gets samadhi, a process of performing last rites of Sri Jagannath Old Idol; Which happens in the section of Koili Baikunth, where God & goddess of puri goes after final rites. The Whole process is called Navakalebara (Which translates into Getting a New Life).

What is the best time to visit Puri Jagannath Temple?

Puri is Situated in Costal Odisha near the Bay of Bengal Sea. So, visiting puri doesn’t require any specific time you can enjoy the atmosphere of Puri and the cultural vibes of Shri Jagannatha at any time of the year.

There is also a folk lore about visiting puri that, you cannot visit and see the idols of Jagannatha inside the puri temple, unless until the Supreme lord Jagannatha Wants it. Many have tested the theory and proved to be wrong.

But if you are particular about a specific time frame on which it will be best suited to explore puri and its cultural heritages then here are our suggestions for the same and you can choose the preferred time from here.


Summer Time (From March to July): –

Summer time is one of the times where temperatures in puri usually remains above 35’, and it can be a problem to explore puri during day time, but that drawback is nicely complimented with the beautiful afternoons and evenings of puri. The cool breeze from Bay of Bengal can cool your soul during summer.

Monsoon Time (July-September): –

Monsoon in Odisha can be beautiful but you have to be extra careful for the upcoming cyclones and sudden heavy pouring rains. Apart from that this is the most Ideal time of enjoy the beautiful beach of Puri and also the Temple of Shri Jagannatha.

Autumn & Winter Season (Oct-March): –

This is the most perfect time to visit Puri and enjoy with your family or friends. But you have to keep in mind that you cannot enjoy taking dip in the beautiful waters of the Bay of Bengal, Because the water will be cold and the temperatures fluctuates between 10 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius. Other than that, you can explore the puri temple during this time.

If You are Planning a trip to Puri Odisha During Annual Ratha Yatra, Then This is Travel advisory is for you.

Ratha Yatra is the World-Famous Festival of Shri Jagannatha and it Happens once every year which gets completed in 9 days. During these 9 days Puri City is usually gets crowded with lots of people.

So, if you are planning to visit during Ratha Yatra then you have to be prepared in Advance. Book your hotel before 3-4 Month of the journey, because during Ratha Yatra you will find few hotels with available rooms that too with 4-5 times of the normal price. For Example, if a hotel room sells at 700-100 per night during normal season, then you will find the same room for 3000 to 4000 per night during Ratha Yatra in Puri.

Phones or Any type of Recording devices along with leather items are banned inside the temple and you will be checked during entry with metal detectors as well as manual hand check of. So, leave your mobile or leather items and foods with your luggage and Government of Odisha also provides free facility to Store your luggage, Phone or electronics and shoes near the entrance to the temple.

There are many other private stores where you can store your belonging for a nominal cost. The cost for a mobile phone and luggage with shoe can be around 100 rupees per person. It will quick to store and take back your things after visiting the temple.

But Government provided storage are often crowded due to the free in nature, most of the people store their things there, so you have to wait in line to store there. Otherwise, it is advised to keep your things with the government store for free, there is camera everywhere so nothing will happen to your things there.

During Ratha Yatra There is no such restriction but you will be responsible for your things.

How much time it takes for darshan in Puri?

As Jagannatha Puri is famous all over the world, it is always gets crowded with people. If you are planning on staying in puri for a day or two I would suggest to visit the temple early in the morning. It is the best time and often you would find the temple free of crowd and the main plus point is that you can enjoy the Morning Arati (Morning Prayer).

If you cannot visit the temple during morning time, then the next best time is from 8-9 am and for entering the temple there will be lines with barricades and it can take some time depending the crowd in the front of the line. You should be prepared for a wait time of 20 minutes to 1 hour time before you can see the Idol of Shri Jagannatha.

There are two check points before you can visit the Idol of Shri Jagannatha.

Extra Careful if you are a woman due to immense crowd inside the temple things can be lost and if possible, maintain gaps from the crowd or choose a time which will be less crowded, Want to Know Best Time to Visit Jagatanatha Temple in Puri, contact us and we will Provide you free information.


Travel Arrangements, Hotels and Mode of Transport for Puri Jagatanatha Temple. Travel Modes for Best Experience and Shortest Time: –

Flights: – You can fly to Bhubaneswar, Odisha Airport and from there
Puri is roughly 60-70 KM, so you can either book a cab or you can also book a self-driving car from any service provider or you can also choose the Government Bus Which comes in 2 variants AC and Non-AC and they are of Top Quality.

Train: – The Nearest Train Station is Puri Railway Station and from there you can reach the temple within 10 mins of local auto rides. And every major city connects with Puri Railway station so you will not have difficulties finding one, and with the addition of Bande Bharata Trains you can reach faster and in a luxurious way.

Bus: – You can find a bus to the capital of Odisha i.e. Bhubaneswar and from there you can take a Bus which will take about 1 hr to reach Puri.

Price for every Travel Mode to Puri Jaganatha Temple in Odisha: –

Once you reach to Bhubaneswar by flight you can take the CITY BUS (MO Bus) which will cost you 100-120 per person and you can travel comfortably. If you rent a cab then it will cost you 1500-2000 rupees for the same.

If you travel by train then from the station it will cost you 20 Indian Rupees for the temple (if you travel by Share Auto) or if you reserve on then it will easily cost you 150-200. Beware of the Auto Drivers they will charge more to you if they know you are not from around here. Just bargain them for 100-150 rupees because the station is only 3-4 KM from the temple, if you love walking and the atmosphere is favourable then have a walk.

Hotels Price and Best Locations for the Full Experience of Puri Temple.

Hotels are everywhere in puri and you can find 600 Indian Rupees per night room to 15000 rupees per night rooms, just roam around the streets around the sea beach that where you will find the best hotels to stay which will be easily reachable to the beach. Beach View Hotel will cost you more.

Hotels are nice and people are also just be cautious that they will try to sell over priced thingsto outsiders, just ask any locals for price suggestion and they will let you know or save our website and contact us any time we will provide every price
and information.

Foods and What to taste when in Puri Odisha.

Your first priority should be to eat the MAHAPRASADA of Puri Temple, which will be available daily after 1-2 PM of Indian Time. Before that you can taste the MAHAPRASADA But after 2 PM will be the fresh. And if you buy 500 Rupees of MAHAPRASADA Then it will be sufficient for 3-5 people, and please don’t leave MAHAPRASADA as it is bad luck.

Apart from that there are hotels where you can eat vegetarian foods.


What to Wear for Men and Women’s When Visiting Inside the Puri, Jagatnatha Temple in Odisha?

Puri Jagatanatha Temple Authority Issued an Order This Year in 2023, according to it everyone will wear dress which repsrents our culture our Hindu Culture and if you don’t follow this rule and wear western and more revealing dresses then you will be denied entry to the temple from the gate.

Must Visit Places inside the Puri Jagatnatha Odisha.

There are some of the most beautiful and hidden places inside the puri temple if you are not well informed about these places you will surely miss them.

First you must visit Maa Laxmi Temple after visiting the Lord
Jagatnatha, Subhadra and Balabhadra. She is the Queen of Jagatnatha Temple and her blessing will bring you good luck.

Then visit the KALPABATA (The Tree which will grant your wishes), if you ask anything here with pure heart all your wishes will come true and that’s a proven.

Then you should visit the place where Lord Jagatnatha takes SMADAHI in every 12 years and this place holds quite big significance in Hindu Religion.
You can find the location near the place where MAHAPRASADA is eaten inside the temple.

Then you should visit every temple inside the Main Temple complex.


Conclusion: –

These are some of the brief information about Puri Jagatnatha temple. We tried to cover every possible information which will help you as traveler outside from Odisha, If you find helpful or informative do share it with your friends and family, if you find any difficulties in finding any information about puri or want more information about any specific topic which may ease your travel, we will help you personally, just contact us now.






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